Multiple Inheritance in Java

What is multiple inheritance?
Ans:- In multiple inheritance, a class can inherit from more than one classes. but Java doesn't support multiple inheritance.

Why Java doesn't support multiple inheritance?
Ans:- Java does not support multiple inheritance because Java does not support ambiguity. Assuming if there are 2 classes A and B having a method name show( ). If both are inherited by a class C then there will be an ambiguity of which show( ) method is to be called.
class A {
     public void show( )  {
          System.out.print("In show of A");
class B {
     public void show( )  {
          System.out.print("In show of B");
class C extends A , B  {
      public static void main(String [ ] args)  {
             C obj=new C();
Compile time error!
In the above  code,  on calling of the method show( ) using C class object will cause compile time error such as whether to call A class show() or B class show() method.

How can we achieve multiple inheritance in Java?
Ans:- As we know, multiple inheritance is not supported in the case of  class because of ambiguity. However, it is supported in case of an interface because there is no ambiguity.
interface A {
      public void show();
interface B {
      public void print();
class C implements A, B {
        public void show( ) {
             System.out.println("Calling show() method...");
       public void print( ) {
             System.out.println("Calling print() method...");
public class Demo {
         public static void main(String [ ] args) {
               C obj=new C();
Calling show() method...
Calling print() method...
In the above code,The interface A and B have one abstract method each i.e. show() and print(). The class C implements the interfaces A and B. In the method main() in class Demo, an object obj of class C is created. Then the methods show() and print() are called.

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